Books that see the world in surprising ways so that we can change it for the better

Exapt Press publish books about systems and complexity thinking and allied trades, such as agile, lean, organisational development, service design, and co-design.

New Books

Personal Knowledge Graphs book 3D
Is your thinking connected?
Do you write, read, research and think for work or leisure? Then you’ll have years of notes, ideas, articles and images. But all those thoughts are decaying. They are stuck in dusty notebooks, forgotten files on old backups and buried emails.
What if…
  • all the thinking you had ever done was live, fresh and connected?
  • adding new knowledge popped up connections to writing and reading you had forgotten?
  • you could travel through your thoughts like surfing the web?
That is connected thinking. That is a Personal Knowledge Graph.

Fifty years ago The Limits to Growth changed the world.

What did we learn? What did we do? What happens now?

Limits and Beyond: 50 years on from The Limits to Growth, what did we learn and what’s next? is available from Amazon stores all over the world in paperback and ebook.

With two of the original authors, Dennis Meadows and Jorgen Randers, joined by 19 world-renowned economists, thinkers, and analysts from across the globe, cultures, and genders, Limits and Beyond asks why nothing has happened in the last 50 years and what are the different ways of seeing and being that will set us back on the right track?

Can we stop collapse? Can we save ourselves and the planet?

Find out more about Limits and Beyond >>

Limits and Beyond book

The audiobook of Essential Balances: Stop Looking and Start Seeing What Makes Organizations Work has been released. Start listening with Audible (free with a trial subscription).

Or get your paperback or ebook copy of Essential Balances from Amazon. Or from your favourite store.

Find out more about Essential Balances >>


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