If they won’t listen to your ideas, then what?

If they won’t listen to your ideas, then what?

I finished the presentation and looked up at empty faces. I may as well have been telling knock, knock jokes for the previous thirty minutes.

In 2001, I was a software development team leader for a web/java team that built websites for JPMorgan Chase. We did it the same way as everyone else.

Then I discovered extreme programming (XP), which is an early Agile practice.

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You can’t tell stories about complexity … but you must

You can’t tell stories about complexity … but you must

A quick search on Twitter brings up these phrases from two tweets:

“Complex systems cannot be summarized by linear storytelling.”

“Complex systems defy causation, so linear stories that attempt to describe them are misconceived.”

These are common statements in the complexity and systems world. So should we drop stories? Yes and no.

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Is Star Wars about complexity?

Is Star Wars about complexity?

It’s a classic hero’s journey. A farm boy’s destiny thrusts him into a quest to save the princess, battle the dark lord, and destroy the evil castle.

But what underpins Luke’s transformation? He grows up, learns to trust others to fight evil, but his real awakening is his awareness of The Force.

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Release the reader’s tension – call and response

Release the reader’s tension – call and response

After a meandering, lyrical piano intro, the double bass locks in the tempo with a bubbling lick answered by two longer open chords from the keyboard. Then the bass takes back the initiative to scoop up the rhythm once more. Again the piano responds. After a few bars of this to and fro, the brass instruments join in with the piano’s gentle tug of war with the bassline.

So what?

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